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Detect | Dissect | Defend

We provide a step-by-step solution to mitigate threats posed by synthetic media.

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Detect | Dissect | Defend

We provide a step-by-step solution to mitigate threats posed by synthetic media.

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Setting the Standard for Psychological Analysis of Deepfakes

Psyber Labs' Deepfake Dashboard brings unprecedented awareness and contextualization of cyber deception through evidence-based behavioral science.

Content Submission

The Deepfake Dashboard is a unique online portal where you can submit content suspected of being generated or augmented through artificial intelligence to create deceptive synthetic media. Synthetic media - particularly video and audio - designed to deceive a target audience is commonly referred to as a Deepfake. While Deepfakes can be used to create parody and memes, they are also often used by criminal and nation state-affiliated threat actors to perpetrate deception campaigns against target audiences.

Threat Analysis

The purpose of the Deepfake Dashboard is not simply the detection of deceptive synthetic media, but rather providing meaningful insight into the motivations behind the creation and propagation of this content. Media submitted to the Deepfake Dashboard is analyzed through our unique Deepfake & Synthetic Media Analysis Framework™ that is comprised of psychological, emotional, and sociological factors and sub-facets that illuminate the motivations and intentions in any identified synthetic media content. The output of the analysis is provided in a tailored Deepfake Threat Intelligence Report™ that provides key human insights about the synthetic media.

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