Privacy Policy

Thank you for your interest in Deepfake Dashboard (“Deepfake Dashboard”, “we” and “us”) and our website(s), products, services, and applications (the “Services”). Deepfake Dashboard LLC respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your information through Services, including any associated applications and platforms.  In particular, this Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, and how you can update, manage, export, and/or delete your information. This policy further details how we use this information to support stronger global cybersecurity which includes the protection of members of the public, partners, and security-minded organizations that contribute to the Services (collectively, the “Community”). 
When you clicked “accept” or “agree” in connection with signing up for an account, we made this Privacy Policy available to you. We may use aggregated, anonymized data that we derived from your personal information before you delete it, but not in a manner that incorporates any of your personal information or would identify you personally.
The Deepfake Dashboard and is owned by Deepfake Dashboard LLC (“Deepfake Dashboard LLC”), a Virginia, United States based company. Deepfake Dashboard LLC is owned by Psyber Labs, Inc., a Delaware company incorporated in the United States (“Psyber Labs”). 
Please read this policy carefully. By accessing or using the Services, your personal information may be used as described below. If you do not wish for your personal information to be used as described here, please do not access the Site, or use the Services. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us. 
Data Collection
We collect information to provide and improve our Services, including personal details, device information, and content you provide or interact with.
Our data collection practices encompass both personal information and other types of data when you interact with our website and services. This includes details shared through registration, communication, transactions, and the content you upload or download from our services (referred to as "Samples").
Here's a breakdown of our data collection methods:
Registration Information: When you sign up for our Services, we collect basic details such as your name, email, and a unique username. 

Communications: If you reach out to us for any reason, including queries or submissions through email or webforms, we collect the personal information you provide.

Transactions: For any purchases of premium Services from Deepfake Dashboard LLC, we may collect payment information, including credit card details.

Content Submissions: When you submit Samples to our Services, we collect all associated information. We generate and share a non-personal identifier for each Sample with our community, aiding in the detection and distribution patterns of synthetic media and deepfake content. If you contribute Samples, you must own the Sample or have the necessary rights, including for any personal information it may contain.

Device Information: We gather specific details about your device, such as hardware model and operating system, via Google Analytics. For each Sample submitted or requested, we log browser details and IP addresses to optimize Services and detect misuse.

Automatic Data Collection: Our Services automatically log certain interactions, including how you use the Services and device-related information. This data helps us understand service usage patterns and improve security measures.
It's essential to maintain the confidentiality of any password we provide for accessing specific parts of our website. Sharing your password compromises your security and privacy.
This overview is meant to ensure transparency and understanding of our data collection and usage practices, aligning with our commitment to protect your personal information and enhance our Services.
Cookies and Similar Technologies 
When you visit our website, we send cookies to your computer. Cookies are small text files that help with things like making sure you can move smoothly between pages on our site. We use two kinds of cookies: "session cookies" that disappear when you close your browser, and "persistent cookies" that stay on your computer and can be used again when you come back to our site.
You can remove persistent cookies by changing your web browser settings. If you need help doing this, check your browser's "Help" section. However, if you decide to block or not accept cookies from our website, you might not be able to use all the features we offer to their full extent.
We also allow third-party services, like ads or analytics, to use their own cookies or tracking methods on our website. These third parties collect information directly, and Deepfake Dashboard LLC doesn't control how they use the information they collect. The data they collect is governed by their own privacy policies. 
You have control over the cookies related to Deepfake Dashboard LLC, especially if you have an account with us. You can set your browser to notify you when we set a cookie or to block cookies from our domain or all domains. Just remember, our website needs cookies to work correctly, so blocking them might affect how well you can use our Services.
Use of Information
Your information supports service functionality, enhances user experience, and aids in security and compliance. It enables account management, service optimization, and personalized user interactions.
We utilize the information we collect for various purposes, including managing accounts for our users, customers, and partners, answering support requests, enabling community participation, and fulfilling contractual obligations. Additionally, this data helps us maintain, protect, enhance, and develop new features for our Services, as well as support our mission to combat malicious synthetic media attacks. 
Here's how we use the information:
We share information (Samples) with security partners to help identify synthetic media and deepfake content, providing analyses that help users understand potential threats.
Verified security professionals, companies, and researchers, many of whom are associated with Deepfake Dashboard LLC, gain access to Samples for threat detection and research.
We analyze community-submitted Samples to produce and share insightful Deepfake Threat Intelligence Reports™.
Pursuant to respective subscription plan criteria, samples can be added to our database to enrich the security community's knowledge of online threats.
We use information to design, create, and implement new service enhancements and features.
We engage with our community by providing valuable information and maintaining open lines of communication.
To manage user, trial, customer, and partner accounts efficiently.
Our goal is to understand and enhance user interaction with our Services through analytics.
We ensure the security of our site and the infrastructure delivering our Services.
We process payments for premium Services.
We comply with legal and regulatory obligations, manage records, support corporate responsibilities, and conduct investigations as necessary.
Sharing and Disclosure
We share information collected through our Services in several ways to enhance security and service quality:
With Security Partners: When you upload a Sample (any material submitted to our Services), we store it in our database and if not pursuant to an Elite service package (with private sample submissions) we may share it with our security partners. These partners are committed to using these Samples solely for improving security measures, detecting synthetic media content, and enhancing their detection capabilities. This collaborative effort aims to address cognitive security vulnerabilities across the industry.

With Our Customers: If not pursuant to an Elite service package (with private sample submissions) we may share Samples with our customers, including security researchers, academic institutions, government bodies, and corporations with advanced security needs. These customers have been vetted to ensure they are actively involved in threat detection and prevention, contributing to a safer online environment and the protection of user data.
In specific scenarios, we also share your information:
With Your Employer or Elite service Account Administrator: If your access to our Services is through your employer’s Elite service account, they may receive information about your use of the Services and overall organizational engagement.

With Our Affiliates: Should you request information or agree to receive promotional materials from our affiliates, we'll share your information with these entities for related purposes.

With Third-Party Processors: We may entrust your personal information to trusted third-party processors, to manage it according to our instructions and in line with our privacy and security standards.

For Legal Reasons: We may disclose your information when necessary to comply with the law, enforce our terms of use, address fraud, security, or technical issues, or protect the rights and safety of Deepfake Dashboard LLC, our users, and the public.

During Business Transitions: In the case of mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales, your personal information may be shared with the involved parties.
We also share anonymized, aggregated data to illustrate Service usage and/or threat trends. However, our site may link to external sites operated by our affiliates, partners, and community members. These sites have their own privacy policies, and we are not responsible for their content or privacy practices. Please review their policies before sharing your personal information.

Retention, Deletion and Export 
At Deepfake Dashboard LLC, we're committed to handling your personal information responsibly. We implement robust security measures to safeguard your information from unauthorized access or misuse. We keep your information only as long as needed for the purposes it was collected. However, there are times when we need to hold onto information longer due to legal, business, or security reasons. 
These reasons might include:
Preventing security threats, fraud, and abuse.
Keeping financial records.
Following laws and regulations.
Making sure our Services run smoothly.
To protect your personal information, we implement strong technical, organizational, and security safeguards.
Grounds for Processing
We process your personal information based on several legal grounds, including:
Your Consent: For instance, when you reach out to us for more details about our Services, request a trial, or express interest in receiving marketing updates about our Services or related entities.

Contractual Necessities: Such as evaluating potential customers for premium Services (i.e. Advanced or Elite service plans).

Legal Requirements: Complying with laws that apply to us or our affiliates or acting on our legitimate interests or those of third parties.
To mitigate any potential harm from processing personal information incidentally:
We require users to confirm they own or have rights to all information in the Samples they upload, in line with our Terms of Service.

Users are required to verify Samples for appropriateness before submission.

We actively investigate Samples reported to contain personal or sensitive information and take necessary steps to address any issues.

Our systems are secured with appropriate technical and operational measures.

We work to anonymize personal information in publicly available data.
Public access to personal information within the Corpus is restricted; searches can only be conducted using specific identifiers related to Samples.

Our partners and customers may access the raw data in the Samples for legitimate security purposes, such as providing synthetic media verdicts or conducting advanced security analytics, which helps enhance the security landscape and protect the community at large.
User Rights, Compliance and Data Protection
Deepfake Dashboard LLC operates globally, which means we handle personal information across servers in various countries. Your personal information might be processed, transferred, and stored on servers located outside your home country, including in the United States and other places where we have our infrastructure.
We're committed to regularly checking how we're doing with respect to this Privacy Policy to ensure we're on track.
It's important to understand that privacy laws and regulations, as well as government and law enforcement access to personal information, can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another. The protections in the United States and other countries might not be the same as in your country. However, when we move your information across borders, we take legally required steps to make sure your data is still looked after. This could include using specific legal agreements like standard contractual clauses that help protect your information.
If there are any issues or complaints, we take them seriously. We'll reach out to the person who raised the concern to see how we can address it. For those living in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, or the United Kingdom, if you feel we haven't resolved a problem related to how we handle your personal information, you have the right to contact your local Data Protection Authority to file a complaint.
U.S. State Law Requirements
Under privacy laws in certain U.S. states, like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA), residents have specific rights regarding their personal information. These laws ensure you can inquire about how Deepfake Dashboard LLC manages, uses, and shares your personal information. They grant you the right to access your data and request Deepfake Dashboard LLC to delete it. The VCDPA also allows you to opt out of profiling and targeted advertising. Moreover, these regulations protect you from being discriminated against for exercising your privacy rights.
Our Privacy Policy is designed to clarify how we handle your data, detailing the types of information we collect, its usage, and our sharing practices. Notably, Deepfake Dashboard LLC does not sell your personal information. We share your data strictly as outlined in the "Information we share" section of this Privacy Policy, aligning with the "business purposes" defined under the CCPA, including:
Security: We use and may share information to combat security threats, abuse, illegal activities, and to respond to security incidents.

Auditing and Measurement: For analytics and understanding the usage of our Services, and to meet our partners' obligations.

Service Maintenance: To ensure our Services function correctly, tracking outages or fixing reported issues.
Research and Development: To enhance our Services and develop new offerings for the benefit of users and the public.

Service Providers: We collaborate with service providers to perform tasks on our behalf, adhering to our Privacy Policy and stringent confidentiality and security standards.
You have the right to download or export your data from your account or request the deletion of your information, including your entire account. We verify these requests by ensuring you are logged into your Deepfake Dashboard LLC account. For questions or to exercise your rights under these laws, you or your authorized representative can reach out to Deepfake Dashboard LLC.
The CCPA specifically mandates detailing data practices in certain categories, which we use to organize the information in this Privacy Policy for clarity and transparency.
Categories Of Information We Collect 
We collect various types of information to provide and improve our Services:
Identifiers and Similar Information: This includes details like your name, password, phone number, and address, along with unique identifiers linked to the browser, application, or device you're using.

Commercial Information: For those with a premium account, we collect payment information to manage transactions.

Internet, Network, and Other Activity Information: We track your search terms, how you interact with content and ads, and your interactions with our Services through your apps, browsers, and devices. This encompasses IP addresses, crash reports, system activities, and your activity on sites and apps that integrate our Services.

Geolocation Data: When you use our Services, we may determine your location through GPS, IP address, and other device sensor data.

Communications Data: If you communicate through our Services, we collect information on those communications, like emails.

Professional, Employment, and Education Information: We collect information related to your professional, employment, or educational background if you're using our Services through an organization, such as a school or workplace.

Other Information You Create or Provide: Any content you create, upload, or receive through our Services is also collected.
Business Purposes for Which Information May Be Used or Disclosed
We are dedicated to safeguarding our Services and users from security risks, abuse, and illegal activities. Here's how we use and may share information for these purposes:
Protecting Against Security Threats: To guard against security risks, we monitor and may share data about compromised IP addresses and other threats. This helps us detect, prevent, and respond to security incidents and protect against harmful activities.

Auditing and Measurement: We analyze how our Services are utilized to meet our commitments to partners, including publishers and advertisers. We may share aggregated, non-personally identifiable information with them and publicly for auditing and other purposes.

Maintaining Our Services: We use information to keep our Services running smoothly, which includes monitoring for outages and addressing any bugs or issues reported by users.

Research and Development: We're always working to enhance our Services and create new features, products, and technologies that benefit both our users and the wider public.

Working with Service Providers: We partner with third-party service providers who help us deliver our Services. These providers are bound by our privacy policies and stringent security measures, assisting us in areas such as customer support.

For Legal Reasons: We may use and disclose information to comply with laws, regulations, legal processes, or government requests, including responding to law enforcement if necessary.
Parties With Whom Information May Be Disclosed
Here's how your information might be shared based on your choices and our privacy practices:
Your Chosen Shares: When you decide to share your details, like your profile, comments, votes, and trust scores with others.

Third-Party Consents: If you give permission to share your data, like when you upload Samples through our Services that we then share with our Partners.

Service Providers: We work with service providers, trusted businesses, or individuals who process information on behalf of Deepfake Dashboard LLC, following our instructions and adhering to our Privacy Policy along with strict confidentiality and security standards.

Premium Account Administrators: If your organization has premium access (i.e. Advanced or Elite service plans) to Deepfake Dashboard LLC and has given you access, administrators of your organization's premium account may have access to your information.

Legal Disclosures: We may share your information with law enforcement or other third parties for legal reasons as outlined in the Compliance section of our Privacy Policy.
Changes to This Policy
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. However, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We always indicate the date the last changes were published and if changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain Services, email notification of Privacy Policy changes).
Our amended Privacy Policy will become effective on a going-forward basis as stated in the Terms, except that (i) unless you agree otherwise, we will use your personal information in the manner described in the Privacy Policy in effect when we received that information; and (ii) if you do not agree with any changes to the Privacy Policy, you must terminate your Deepfake Dashboard, LLC account and cease use of the Services. Your continued use of the Services after a revised Privacy Policy has become effective indicates that you have read, understood, and agreed to the current version of the Privacy Policy. 
Contact Us
If you have any questions or thoughts about our Privacy Policy, how we handle your personal information, or your choices, please contact Deepfake Dashboard LLC.